José Neto

I am José Neto

I'm a Software Engineer located in Lisbon, Portugal. Passionate web developer, with over 16 years of experience.

[email protected]
+351 935 281 144
Lisbon, Portugal

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I already worked on a lot of projects, with the most different technologies to solve the most different kinds of problems, always trying to find who is the best technology to solve each problem. I'm also studying new technologies each week. So this list is in constant changing.

  • Programming/Markup/Stylesheet languages

    Javascript (Browser and Node.js), TypeScript, PHP, Python, Dart, CSS3, XHTML, JSX/TSX

  • Front-end- Frameworks & Libraries

    React, React Query, React Router, TanStack Router, React Hook Form, Zod, Zustand, Redux, Jotai, Vue.js, Vuex, jQuery, Axios, Radash, Lodash, i18next, date-fns, Ant Design, Bootstrap, Material-UI, Handlebars, Panda CSS, Styled components, Emotion, Sass, Tailwind CSS

  • Back-end - Node.js frameworks & libraries

    NestJS, Express, TypeORM, Prisma, Sequelize, TypeGraphQL, Puppeteer, Bull & BullMQ, class-validator, AdonisJs, Express, Socket.IO, Ts.ED, Next.js, Gatsby, Pug, EJS, Swagger

  • Back-end - PHP frameworks & libraries

    Laravel, CodeIgniter, Slim Framework, Twig, Swagger for PHP

  • Back-end - Python frameworks & libraries


  • Mobile - Frameworks & Libraries

    React Native, Flutter

  • Communication protocols (construction & consumption)

    REST, GraphQL, WebSocket, SSE, gRPC

  • Databases

    MySQL, RethinkDB, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MSSQL, SQLite

  • Work/Deployment environment

    Docker, Heroku, Digital Ocean, Linode, Generic shared hosts

  • AWS services

    S3, EC2, SES

  • Test tools

    Cypress, Jest, React Testing Library, Vitest, Enzyme, PHPUnit

  • Module bundlers

    Vite, Webpack

  • Version control

    GIT, SVN

  • Prototyping

    Figma, Zeplin, Adobe XD

  • CMS

    WordPress (plugins, themes and widgets)

  • Others

    Git, Eslint, Redis, Babel, Storybook, MVC, ORM, OOP, AWS (S3), Functional programming, SOLID, Natural Language Processing, Scrum, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Progressive web apps, Reactive programming, Memcached, Responsive design, Web standards, Performance, Usability, Accessibility - a11y, SEO


I already had the opportunity to work on awesome companies with awesome people.

  • CTO


    Jan, 2022 - Now

    I was responsible for building 100% of API, and 75% of mobile apps (Android and IOS) for this startup. A marketplace for beauty and wellness used in Brazil.

  • Tech Lead

    Tech LeadSodexo

    Oct, 2022 - Oct, 2023

    Working at solutions for food tech and services fields, maintaining web and mobile native applications used across the globe. Helping to improve and migrate legacy code, implementing new features according to product team requirements.

  • Front-end Engineer

    Front-end EngineerBoostUp

    Jan, 2022 - Aug, 2022

    Creating new features for BoostUp product (a B2B product focused to provide accurate forecasts for companies, based on AI). I helped to create advanced and highly customizable dashboards, tables, widgets and charts, with international teams across different time zones.

  • CTO


    Sep, 2019 - Oct, 2022

    Building the Delloop product with TypeScript and GraphQL, and the mobile app with Flutter> Also coordinating the web team.

  • Aubay consultant - Front-end Engineer

    Aubay consultant - Front-end EngineerTripAdvisor

    Oct, 2018 - Aug, 2019

    Working on internal tools and projects for the hotel's segment, using React, Redux, and correlated technologies, migrating legacy technologies to a new stack, or adding new features on current products.

  • Aubay consultant - Software Engineer

    Aubay consultant - Software EngineerOLX

    Sep, 2017 - Sep, 2018

    Software Engineer at OLX, working on a product for premium sellers on a vertical platform focused on cars sales in some European countries (Standvirtual in Portugal, Autovit în România, and Otomoto in Poland). The challenge here was to maintain legacy software (monolithic architecture, classical MVC with PHP) and at the same time work with new technologies (SPA, SSR, PWA, microservices architecture, etc.), migrating parts of the product from the legacy to the new platform, keeping in mind important items, like SEO.

  • Tech Lead & Full Stack Developer

    Tech Lead & Full Stack DeveloperPlanedia

    Jun, 2013 - Jul, 2017

    I worked on this startup since it was founded, working as a back-end, using Node.js/express/MongoDB, PHP/Laravel/MySQL and sometimes, at the front-end position, working with React & Redux. I also helped with the recruiting process to get new developers and make technical decisions.

  • Front-end Engineer

    Front-end EngineerLiferay

    Mar, 2012 - Feb, 2013

    Allocated inside a Liferay customer (Leroy Merlin Brazil), I helped to upgrade the customer website, applying the most recent Liferay features and the Liferay best practices, and to convert it on e-commerce portal, able to sell more than 80.000 different products.

  • Front-end Engineer

    Front-end EngineerRecord TV

    Jan, 2011 - Mar, 2012

    I worked on the blogs team, using WordPress. Involved in dozens of projects, I created blogs and sites for soap operas, reality shows, news programs, journalists, auditorium programs, etc. My mission was creating themes, plugins, and widgets for different projects. Previously, the company has contracted external partners for creating his projects. I started on a new blog team (I was the third member). At the end of the year, we had more than 20 members. There were no more external partners working on projects because the sites and blogs were created and maintained by our team.

  • Back-end Developer

    Back-end DeveloperGrupo Ser Educacional

    Oct, 2008 - Feb, 2012

    As a back-end developer, I worked on some educational software inside of this company. With more than 100.000 students around the country, the educational group needed software to handle library books and book reservations, control financial data, students make enrollment, paying his monthly tuition, entrance exams, etc.


I know, is not a lot and they are unfinished, but I can't learn using the traditional courses (I'm trying, but the applied methodologies not helping). But, this not means I not study. I do this every day, but using my way. I try to learn something new every single day.

  • Bachelor of Computer ScienceFaculdade dos Guararapes

    Jul, 2006 - Dropout

  • Mechatronics technicianETEPAM

    Jan, 2008 - Dropout

  • Computer TechnicianIFMA

    Jul, 2006 - Dropout

  • Electronics Technician IFMA

    Jul, 2004 - Dropout

Open Source

Since my career's beginning, I always used open source tools. So, why not to contribute with some open source tools?